Cute Animal Printable Dollhouse Notebooks That You Can Make Today!

Hey guys!  I just love making dollhouse printables.  They're so much fun to make, and are a much needed dollhouse item.  If you have a colored printer, it's much cheaper to use printables, than to actually buy Barbie or LPS accessories.  Plus, there's so much free clip art out there, I often go to Pixabay, which is a great site with lots of free images for use, then use Canva to create my dollhouse printables.  As always, let me know if you print any or if you decide to make your own :)

I used these animal themed notebooks in my Youtube miniature accessories tutorials: FOX miniatures,  PANDA minis, FROG minis, CAT, MONKEY, and DOG.

Click HERE to get your printable!  Then fold paper accordion style and glue inside.

DIY Printable Notebooks

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