DIY Miniature Picnic Basket with Snacks: Lays Potato Chips, Oreo Cookies...

Make this fun picnic basket (using a McDonald's sauce container and craft foam) and doll food today!  Click HERE for the printable food labels (printable Kraft cheese, sandwich meat, Lay's potato chips, and Oreo cookies). 

DIY Miniature Lunch Pail Bag with School Snacks - Lunchables, Fruit Snac...

Just in time for back to school!  Make this miniature lunch pail / bag with school snacks today.  Click HERE to access the printable labels (printable lunchables, fruit snacks, and cookies).

DIY Miniature Retro McDonalds Restaurant & Mini Fries, Burgers, & Chicke...

Hey guys!  Today I'm making a mini retro McDonald's restaurant, inspired by the old Barbie McDonald's sets.  Click HERE for the printable.

DIY Miniature Pool with Water

DIY Miniature Classroom and School Supplies: Back 2 School!

Hey guys!  It's time for back to school, and the LPS pets were in desperate need of a classroom, along with some printable textbooks.  This miniature dollhouse classroom is perfectly sized for LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) or other small dolls.  Click HERE for the Youtube tutorial and HERE for the miniature printable school books.
DIY Miniature Classroom

DIY Miniature Soda Cans with Slime Inside!

I love making slime, and I love making miniatures, so it made sense to combine the two!  This miniature slime DIY was a lot of fun to make.  Find the printable soda can labels HERE

DIY Miniature Sweet Bakery Donut Shop

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