DIY Realistic Miniature Laptop - Dollhouse DIY

Hey guys!  In today's Youtube tutorial, I'm making these DIY miniature realistic dollhouse laptops.  No dollhouse is complete without a laptop, mouse, and mousepad.  I like to print my laptop printables on glossy photo paper, then attach to craft foam.  Click HERE for the miniature printable laptops.  And if you're in need of some cell phones, check out this post.

DIY Miniature Betta Fish Bowl

Hey guys!  In today's DIY Youtube tutorial, I'm making a miniature betta fish bowl for a dollhouse.  This was a lot of fun to make, and I love the effect of simply adding water to the bowl.  But, you would want to be very careful if placing this in a dollhouse.  A better option might be to use resin.  And it was a lot of fun manipulating hot glue to make the fish.  If you like this mini craft, you might also like my DIY Mermaid Bed or DIY Mermaid Dollhouse Bedroom.

DIY Realistic Miniature Ant Farm

Hey guys!  Today's DIY Youtube tutorial is on how to make a miniature dollhouse ant farm.  Did any of you ever have one as kids?  Or buy one for your kids?  I never did, but always thought they were super cool.  This craft was a ton of fun to make, so I hope you take a crack at it.  Print the free printable ant farm template and complete using clear plastic and craft foam.  And for more dollhouse "pets," you might like this miniature Betta fish bowl.

DIY Miniature Easter Eggs with Slime Inside

DIY Miniature Hatchimals

Hey guys!  In this Youtube DIY tutorial, I'm making miniature Hatchimals.  I use wooden beads, egg shaped erasers (purchased from Target), pom poms, puff paint, craft foam, and paint.  These mini hatchimals are the perfect dollhouse toy for any bedroom.  They go perfectly with the miniature dollhouse toy store tutorial

DIY Miniature Soda Bottles - with Slime Inside!

Hey guys!  In today's Youtube DIY tutorial, I made miniature soda bottles and mini slime.  My daughter is obsessed with making slime, so naturally, I got hooked, too.  And I love making printables and miniature doll food.  I often make my printables using free clip art from or  If you're interested in learning how to make your own, please let me know, via a comment here or on my Youtube channel.

Click HERE for the printable soda bottle labels.

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